Thursday, February 26, 2009

Review a local e-commerce site: AirAsia

The website I have chosen to review is Airasia. This is website that allows people to buy low fare ticket from the website to fly over another destination.

AirAsia has been expanding rapidly since 2001, to become the largest low cost carrier in Asia. AirAsia is able to flies to over 61 domestic and international destinations with a fleet of 72 aircrafts. From the website, we easily can check the time and the place whether is available or not.

We can buy the airticket through the website. First, we choose the destination and the date from the website. After that, it will list out the suitable flight time. After we choose the right flight time, we need to write down our personal detail, like name, identity card number, add address. After those steps, we need to pay up the airticket fees. It accepts the payment by master or visa credit and debit card. We have to write the card number, cardholder name, expire date and cardverification number (CVN). At last, we will get the flight itinerary. When the day we flight, we just only need bring our identity card to the airport then we can get our ticket from the Airasia counter.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

E-Government in Malaysia: Its implementation so far and citizen's adoption strategies

Various countries are implementing electronic government, generally known as 'e-government' include Malaysia. E-government is the use of information and communication technologies in public administration combined with organisational change and new skills to improve public services and democratic processes and to strengthen support to public policies.
Malaysia's huge e-government initiative began in 1997 with the launch of the Multimedia Super Corridor's E-Government Flagship Application.

The e-government implementation in Malaysia:

1. Language barrier - Some of the government websites stil using Bahasa Malaysia although some of it has change to English.
2. Technological barrier - Lack of technical infrastructure.
3. Online behaviour - Malaysians remain sceptical on being distrust on electronic transaction especially on online banking buying from an Internet store.
4. Lack of public awareness - Public are not aware of the services offered.

Strategies fotr citizen to adopt e-government:

1. Provide websites with multiple language version.
2. Increase awareness through TV and radio advertisements, and organising workshops at shopping malls.
3.Provide consultation services on how to use those services.

4. Simplify procedures needed to access to the e-government services.

Reference :

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Corporate Blogging: A new marketing communication tool for companies.

A corporate blog is published by the organization with an aim to reach the organizational goals. There are two common types of the corporate blog which are internal blog and external blog. External blogs provide a mean for the organization to communicate with their customer at personal level. Blogs are actually an efficient and fast way to have discussion with customers, share tips or even collect the feedback from them. It may then return with the continuous performance improvement of the company.

Besides, the external blogs may also be useful in building trust and strengthening relationship among business partner. It actually encourage communication and allow businesses more easily reach their customers, develop stronger relationships and brand loyalty with its customers . Furthermore, external blog may also be used in testing an idea or even a product. Before the idea or product is being published in the market, organization can allow a positive way of getting feedback, and better understanding towards customers' needs and also their interest and acceptance of product or idea can be collected.

Whereby, the internal blog can be used as tools for internal collaboration and knowledge management. The project leader or manager can keep their report up-to-date through the internal blog without wasting their time in writing the report. As for the knowledge management, the workers or employees may use the internal blogs to find out the information and resources they needed. Blogging also serve as the on- job-learning tools where the employees can learn more job-related knowledge that shared by the organization through the blogs.

A successful corporate blogging may lead to the increase in sales, better performance and also closer relationship with either the customers or the business partners. As compare to other communication strategies, blogging is relatively much more cheaper. Therefore, it becomes more common within the organization as new marketing communication tool.

Definitely, corporate blogging also have some limitation. In most if the case, People may be talking out of the topic or may use blogs to write negatively about the company which can lead to bad publicity. Beside that if a blog failed to comply with all applicable local, national and foreign requirements for doing business, it can lead to legal liabilities. When the degree of openness is low in the organization, the blog tends to represent an anonymous corporate identity.

To read more regarding corporate blogging, click the following links:

Things to take note to prevent e-auction fraud when a consumer participating in an e-auction

An auction is a process of buying and selling goods or services by offering them to bid, taking bids, and then selling item to the winner bidder. In economic theory, an auction may refer to any mechanism or set of trading rules for exchange.

The following are some e-auction prevention:

1. User Identity Verification
They are offering their social security number, driver’s license number, and the date of birth.

2. Authentication Service
It is a way of determining whether an item is genuine and described appropriately.

3. Spoof (fraudulent) Web site Protection
It is enable members to protect their accounts by indicating when they are on the site.

4. Item verification
It is a way of confirming the identity and evaluating the condition of an item through verification.

5. Physical Inspection
It is providing for a physical inspection can eliminate many problems.

6. Feedback forum
It allows buyers and sellers to build up their online trading reputations. It provides user with ability to comment on their experiences with other.

7. Appraisal Services
Appraisers use a variety of methods to appraise items.

8. Grading services
It is a way of determining the physical condition of an item such as “poor quality” or “mint condition” and so on.

9. Escrow services
It is a service that provided when either the buyer or seller feels the need for additional security when there is a big amount during payment

10. Insurance policy
It is a way of providing a protection for the online customers during e-auction.


Sunday, February 15, 2009

Mobile payment systems in Malaysia: Its potentials and consumers’ adoption strategies

What is Mobile Payment System?

Mobile payments (also known as mobile web payments or WAP billing) are a collection of money from consumer via a mobile device such as their mobile phone, Smartphone, Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) or any other devices.

The mobile payment can be used to purchase any number of digital goods and physical goods. For example digital goods are ring tones, games, wallpaper for mobile phone and the booking cinema ticket and air ticket. Usually purchase digital good are through by SMS based transaction payments or mobile web payment (WAP).

In Malaysia companies like Maxis and Celcom, they provide this kind of services by selling caller ringtone, true tone, and some wallpaper on their websites. In certain times they also send messages to their user to sell some concert ticket, some promotion as well.

The market for Mobile is large, because it is very convenient to use mobile payment. This mobile payment is still under developing in Malaysia. It has potential to continue to grow as consumer’s confidence on mobile payment increased. Mobile payment providers have most potential for growing.

To put it simple:
1. Market still at developing stage
2. Many mobile phone users
3. Low competition

1. Educate consumers about mobile payments, how to use and introduce its functions (e.g. bill payment, mobile purchase)
2. Enhance security and confidence to mobile users
3. Collaborate with more banks and companies to widen the ability to pay via mobile at the same time it helps to increased customer’s satisfaction and confidence
4. Maintain customer’s loyalty


Saturday, February 14, 2009

The application of pre-paid cash card for consumers

What is a prepaid card?

The prepaid card is far from a new idea. How many of us have used a prepaid gift card or a prepaid mobile phone SIM card? The concept is basically the same. A prepaid card looks like a credit or debit card, and gives users the ability to purchase products and services with a card but with a crucial difference - you can only spend the balance that has been preloaded onto the card. This means there is no risk of running into debt as it has no credit or overdraft facility.

How do they work?

Money can be loaded on to a prepaid card by cash at a bank, Post Office, at Payzone or PayPoint terminals, bank transfer, through your employer or even by another credit card. When using for purchasing at a high street store, they work in exactly the same way as a credit or debit card - you simply hand the card to the cashier. You will be asked to enter your PIN number (supplied with the card) on an electronic keypad or to sign a payment slip so your signature can be matched with that on the back of the card (if there is no Chip on the card). The total amount will be taken from your card immediately and the transaction is complete.

Touch n Go is one of the example of prepaid cash card as the sole electronic payment system (EPS). It is an electronic purse that are design to be used at all highways in Malaysia, major public transports in Klang Valley, selected parking sites and theme park. Touch ‘n Go uses contactless smartcard technology. This card are looks similar to a credit card. User can continue using the card as long as it is pre-loaded with electronic cash. User can reload the card at toll plazas, train stations, Automated Teller Machines, Cash Deposit Machines, Petrol kiosks and at authorised third party outlets. Touch ‘n Go enhances the speed of paying for low value but high frequency transactions. Apart from the speed, it is also very convenient because user no longer need to prepare for small change or wait in queue at the cash lane to complete the transaction.

Another example of prepaid cash card in Singapore is Ez-link card. This card introduced for use on the MRT, LRT and public buses, the ez-link card is now increasingly being used in all sectors of retail from leisure to dining to shopping. It is truly Singapore 's first contactless Multi-purpose Stored Value (MPSV) card. Being contactless, not only is the card convenient to use, transaction time is kept to a minimum nearly approximately 0.2 per second. This feature of the ez-link card makes it the logical choice for use in applications that require fast, secure and accurate transactions.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Electronic currency

"The money screamed across the wires, its provenance fading in a maze of electronic transfers, which shifted it, hid it, broke it up into manageable wads which would be withdrawn and redeposit elsewhere, obliterating the trail." by Linda Davies, Nest of Vipers, a banking thriller.
Electronic currency refers to money or scrip which is exchanged only electronically. Typically, this involves use of computer networks, the internet and digital stored value systems. Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) and direct deposit are examples of electronic money.

Public-key cryptography
and digital signatures (both blind and non-blind signatures) make electronic currency possible. It would take too long to go into detail how public-key cryptography and digital signatures work. But the basic gist is that banks and customers would have public-key encryption keys. Public-key encryption keys come in pairs. A private key known only to the owner, and a public key, made available to everyone. Whatever the private key encrypts, the public key can decrypt, and vice verse.Banks and customers use their keys to encrypt (for security) and sign (for identification) blocks of digital data that represent money orders. A bank "signs" money orders using its private key and customers and merchants verify the signed money orders using the banks widely published public key. Customers sign deposits and withdraw using their private key and the bank uses the customer's public key to verify the signed withdraws and deposits.


Credit Card debts: Causes and Prevention.

Today's economic climate is enough to depress anyone. Besides, nowadays people are getting depressed over an increased debt load is normal.

There are several causes of credit card debts:

i) Financial Ignorance

Most of them do not have attend any financial training. It's on you to learn to save for a rainy day, as well as manage your money so you can own a house over the longer term.

ii) Poor money management

They do not having a monthly spending plan and not keeping track of your monthly bills makes you unaware of where your money is going.

iii) Less Income, More Expenses

This happens when monthly expenses are not cut down in line with the reduction in income. This obviously leads to a rise in debt. The family is forced to use their credit cards.

iv) Saving little or not at all

This happens when people do not saving their money or saving too little.

Here are some things to help you with debt prevention and management:

i) Budget

A budget allows you the freedom of having peace of mind knowing that all of your bills are paid and the money has been allocated ahead of time for these expenses.

ii) Savings plan

It may help you prevent yourself from getting into debt. Set aside a certain amount each month into a savings account. Saving with a goal in mind motivates many people to stick to their savings plan.

iii) Consolidate your debt into one payment using an unsecured loan

Although the rates will be higher than a secured loan, often it will be lower than your credit card rates and the payment will be lower as well. This will allow you to pay off your debt in a specified time period while paying less interest over the long run


Saturday, February 7, 2009

The threat of online security: How safe is our data

Nowadays, we cannot deny that internet technology has improved the quality of our lives. However, we are facing the threat of online security too. Most security threats are made by attackers using a relatively small number of vulnerabilities.

Computer Viruses

The most common form threat of online security is computer virus. It is a program or fragment of codes that replicates by attaching copies of it or to other programs.

There are four main classes of viruses:

1. File infectors
It’s imbedded themselves into ordinary executable files and attach to other system executables when the file is run.

2. System or boot-record infectors
It’s infecting the first sector on a driver from which the operating system is booted-up. These viruses are not as prevalent now that floppy disks are less frequently used.

3. Macro viruses
It’s infect data files include scripting “macros”.

4. Multi-part viruses
Viruses that use more than one attack is called multi-parts viruses.

Fortunately, in many cases, their predictability makes it easier to prevent attack by following a few simple rules:

1. Apply regular updates and patches as they become available.
2. Employ security software and hardware such as firewalls and authentication servers.
3. Do not use default passwords and other values that are provided with your software.

Friday, February 6, 2009

The Application of Third Party Certification Programme in Malaysia

Third party certification is called certificate authorities (CAs), who issue digital certificate to provide verification that your website does indeed represent your company to verify that their product or service does indeed comply with the industry standards.

There have few famous application of third party cerification program in Malaysia, include MSC and Verisign. MSC Sdn. Bhd, which was incorporated in year 1999. It is a licensed Certification Authority(CA) under the operation of the Multimedia Super Corrider. As a CA, Trustgate’s core business is to provide digital certification services, including digital certificates, cryptographic products, and software development.

VeriSign is the leading Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Certificate Authority that securing e-commerce, communications and interactions for Web sites, intranets, and extranets. Its objective is to provide trust to the Internet and E-commerce through the Digital Authentication services and products. Nowadays, VeriSign is the largest Certificate Authority behind the encryption and authentication the Internet. There are two large divisions, which are Internet Services and Communications Services.

In conclusion, third party certification program is important to the internet user to secure their privacy , prevent the confidential information or personal data being stolen during the transaction on Internet.


Phishing: Examples and its prevention methods

What is Phishing? Phishing is the criminally fraudulent process of attempting to acquire sensitive information such as usernames, passwords and credit card details by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication.

Examples and its prevention methods

A user received an email from company like bank that thanking him for winning the auction and asking him to update my credit card info such as account number, his personal detail and so on. At the end of the month, he find out that his card being use by unknown person then he notice that he fallen in to a phishing scam. He had given out his card password, account number and all his personal detail through email. In the light of that, here a few of the way that you should aware so that everyone will not fall for phishing scam.

1. Stay alert and be cautious with the e-mail and on Websites.

Most of the time, successful scams rely on user it self, not on technology. By providing info and plus some technical vulnerabilities, this can help the harker or know as phishers to successful scams.

2.Don’t get scared by the content of the e-mail.

So times things happen when phishers try to get you exited or upset so that you won’t think things through. They will send e-mail that contains urgent requests to know your personal information. User must read it over several times and find out is the e-mail that you received is really from the company.

3. Don’t give out information that they should have.

Mostly, your personal details and financial institution will likely have your detail such as usernames, password, account number, credit card numbers, and so on. So generally the e-mail may not be the e-mail that sends by the company.

Hopefully this information can help all users to be alert from the phishers.


How to safeguard our personal and financial data?

The internet security issues are always being discussed due to the development of technology and already become major threats in this cyber world. Besides provides convenient, internet also become a channel for illegal activities such as unauthorized access to others information. The following are some of the suggestions that can be used to safeguard our personal and financial data.

First, never reveal your personal or financial information through the phone, mail or internet, unless you have initiated the contact or know whom you are dealing with. Furthermore, do not respond to the web which present as your bank website that requires you to update your personal information because bank will never ask you to update it through the internet.

Secondly, is better to use and maintain anti-virus software and a firewall. This protection help protect yourself against viruses and Trojan horses that may steal or modify the data on your own computer and leave you vulnerable by using anti-virus software and a firewall. Make sure to keep your virus definitions up to date.

Thirdly, try to avoid saving credit card info, bank info, etc on any websites. It is quite risky to save our credit card info on website such as Amazon, eBay to avoid repeatedly type; someone might eventually hack into their database and downloads thousands of credit card numbers, bank account numbers, etc.

Fourthly, It also suggest that remember to log out after access to privacy website such as bank account, mail box or other personal accounts and also log off your personal computer after using it.
Lastly, regularly scan your computer for spyware - Spyware or adware hidden in software programs may affect the performance of your computer and give attackers access to your data. Use a legitimate anti-spyware program to scan your computer and remove any of these files. Some of the anti-spyware software are adware, anti-spy spot, spy spot doctor and etc.

Discuss how E-Commerce can reduce cycle time, improve employees’ empowerment and facilitate customer support

Electronic commerce is the process of the buying and selling of products or services over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks.

Cycle time is the total time from the beginning to the end of process. E-commerce also can reduce cycle time by eliminating steps in business processes. Those steps may be redundant with more efficient technology solutions. It may speed the overall process and reduces cycle time.

E-commerce improves employees’ empowerment in e-commerce by giving more flexibility to access information for example internet, intranet, EDI and other access to global regulations and latest information employees are able to improve employees’ empowerment. The employees will have sufficient alertness of the complaints and are able to handle the complaints instantaneously and efficiently. Besides, employees may convince customers easily to stay with the service.

E-commerce facilitates customer support by providing a wide range of technological solutions and communication opportunity. It also provides electronic bulletin for customer in order to report fault and dissatisfaction. Customer has direct access to product information updates, and other promotion by visiting the online stores. It is more convenient to customer to buy the products that they need.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

An example of an E-Commerce failure and its causes

As we know, not all E-Commerce business successful as One of an example of an E-Commerce failure is

About Webvan

Webvan was an online “credit and delivery’ grocery business. It was headquartered in Foster City, California, USA, near Silicon Valley. It delivered product to customers’ homes within a 30-minute window of their choosing.

Factors that cause Webvan failure

Types of product

Most of the product sell in Webvan are F&B product like food. Their top seller products are Toblerone Swiss Milk Chocolate, Kellogg’s Bite Size Frosted Mini-Wheats Cinnamon Streusel and so on. Food is a large part of most budgets, even for the folks Webvan targeted. Shopper may also price sensitive on the product where Webvan had to include extra labor cost and shipping cost on the product. So discount of the grocery product, the expire dates and the price of the product are the factor that effect consumer decision whether buy online or buy through retail shop. Consumer may think that if they buy at retail shop they able to look and touch on the product and know the contain, the production date, and the size of the product.


It is not easy to convenience all customer at the same time. Scheduling the time to delivery is not easy job for a logistic department of Webvan. If the company want to schedule all the delivery process well where the company able to send to product in time and able to save company cost it take days to complete. So it is a challenge for logistic department to do well. If the company unable to send the product to their customer on time, this will effect the consumer loyalty to the company.

Delivery on the time that the customer needed it

The advantage of Webvan is that they will deliver to your home after you place the order. But the problem is that Webvan unable to completely send to you when you need it now and the delivery cost might be more expensive then the product. Product like fresh vegetable and fruit may no fulfill the consumer need where the customers unable get the goods on time where they need it.

This is on of our group example of a failure E-Commerce business. If you felt you have any opinion or suggestion. Don’t hesitate to post comment.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

An example of an E-Commerce success and its causes:

Is there anyone has the experiences of online shopping or selling products through internet? Online shopping brings a lot of convenience to the consumers. In Malaysia, more and more people start to purchase something online such as clothes, electronic products or even pets. Therefore you should not be strange about this E-Commerce company:, Inc. As we know, people called as Titans of E-Commence which together with eBay., Inc was founded by Jeff Bezoz in 1994, and launched online in 1995.

E-commerce success can be seen in, Inc, one of the first major companies to sell goods through the internet. is an online book retailer, which later also involve in selling other products, such as DVDs, electronics, toys, games, home improvement items, software and video games.

In order to let consumers get more information of the products, provides a good feature which allows the users to submit reviews and comments to the web pages of each product. The users can also rate the product on a rating scale from one to five stars.

Besides that, provides “Search inside the books” which allows consumers to search the book that fulfill their requirement from around 250,000 books in the program. On the other hand, Amazon’s worldwide sites allow the internet user to sell their product online. Unlike eBay/ Paypal, Amazon sellers do not have to maintain separate payment accounts because all payments and payment security are handled by itself.

In addition, also offers a lower cost to its customers as compared with its competitors. The reason is the fact that they have lower operating costs, thus hold fewer inventories than the traditional stores in the market. With lower prices, it can attract new customers to maximize its market share. The adoption of a strong base of selling products lead to achieve success in the filed of e-commerce.

Furthermore, its major promotion activity is to make use of mass media which are print and broadcast like newspaper, TV, and radio. This will enable them to make initial contact with customers. Through advertising, Amazon increases its brand awareness. A recent study by Interbrand ranked as the 57th most valuable brand in the world. A separate study by Opinion Research Corp. indicated that 60% of US adults were aware of the Amazon brand name, the highest awareness for any eCommerce brand name.

In conclusion, the strong organizational as well as goal oriented strategies and team work along its excellent customer oriented policies are the major causes which lead to gain tremendous economic profits and recognition among the other competitors in the field of e-commerce.

The history and evolution of Ecommerce

Electronic Commerce (E-commerce) consists of buying and selling of products or services over the Internet. The wide variety of commerce is conducted by spurring on innovation in electronic funds transfer, supply chain management, Internet marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange (EDI), inventory management systems, and automated data collection systems.

Originally, electronic commerce meant the facilitation of commercial transactions electronically, using Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) in the late 1970s, allowing businesses to send commercial documents like purchase orders or invoices electronically. After that, the credit cards, automated teller machines (ATM), online airline reservation, and telephone banking in the 1980s were also known as types of electronic commerce. From the 1990s onwards, electronic commerce would additionally include enterprise resource planning systems (ERP), data mining and data warehousing. Online shopping was invented in the UK in 1979 by Michael Aldrich and during the 1980s it was used extensively particularly by auto manufacturers such as Ford, Peugeot-Talbot, General Motors and Nissan.

Perhaps it is introduced from the Telephone Exchange Office, or maybe not. The earliest example of many-to-many electronic commerce in physical goods was the Boston Computer Exchange, a marketplace for used computers launched in 1982. The first online information marketplace, including online consulting, was likely the American Information Exchange, another pre-Internet online system introduced in 1991.

Although the Internet became popular worldwide in 1994, it took about five years to introduce security protocols and DSL allowing continual connection to the Internet. And by the end of 2000, a lot of European and American business companies offered their services through the World Wide Web. Since then people began to associate a word "ecommerce" with the ability of purchasing various goods through the Internet using secure protocols and electronic payment services.
