Sunday, February 22, 2009

Corporate Blogging: A new marketing communication tool for companies.

A corporate blog is published by the organization with an aim to reach the organizational goals. There are two common types of the corporate blog which are internal blog and external blog. External blogs provide a mean for the organization to communicate with their customer at personal level. Blogs are actually an efficient and fast way to have discussion with customers, share tips or even collect the feedback from them. It may then return with the continuous performance improvement of the company.

Besides, the external blogs may also be useful in building trust and strengthening relationship among business partner. It actually encourage communication and allow businesses more easily reach their customers, develop stronger relationships and brand loyalty with its customers . Furthermore, external blog may also be used in testing an idea or even a product. Before the idea or product is being published in the market, organization can allow a positive way of getting feedback, and better understanding towards customers' needs and also their interest and acceptance of product or idea can be collected.

Whereby, the internal blog can be used as tools for internal collaboration and knowledge management. The project leader or manager can keep their report up-to-date through the internal blog without wasting their time in writing the report. As for the knowledge management, the workers or employees may use the internal blogs to find out the information and resources they needed. Blogging also serve as the on- job-learning tools where the employees can learn more job-related knowledge that shared by the organization through the blogs.

A successful corporate blogging may lead to the increase in sales, better performance and also closer relationship with either the customers or the business partners. As compare to other communication strategies, blogging is relatively much more cheaper. Therefore, it becomes more common within the organization as new marketing communication tool.

Definitely, corporate blogging also have some limitation. In most if the case, People may be talking out of the topic or may use blogs to write negatively about the company which can lead to bad publicity. Beside that if a blog failed to comply with all applicable local, national and foreign requirements for doing business, it can lead to legal liabilities. When the degree of openness is low in the organization, the blog tends to represent an anonymous corporate identity.

To read more regarding corporate blogging, click the following links:

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