Sunday, February 1, 2009

An example of an E-Commerce success and its causes:

Is there anyone has the experiences of online shopping or selling products through internet? Online shopping brings a lot of convenience to the consumers. In Malaysia, more and more people start to purchase something online such as clothes, electronic products or even pets. Therefore you should not be strange about this E-Commerce company:, Inc. As we know, people called as Titans of E-Commence which together with eBay., Inc was founded by Jeff Bezoz in 1994, and launched online in 1995.

E-commerce success can be seen in, Inc, one of the first major companies to sell goods through the internet. is an online book retailer, which later also involve in selling other products, such as DVDs, electronics, toys, games, home improvement items, software and video games.

In order to let consumers get more information of the products, provides a good feature which allows the users to submit reviews and comments to the web pages of each product. The users can also rate the product on a rating scale from one to five stars.

Besides that, provides “Search inside the books” which allows consumers to search the book that fulfill their requirement from around 250,000 books in the program. On the other hand, Amazon’s worldwide sites allow the internet user to sell their product online. Unlike eBay/ Paypal, Amazon sellers do not have to maintain separate payment accounts because all payments and payment security are handled by itself.

In addition, also offers a lower cost to its customers as compared with its competitors. The reason is the fact that they have lower operating costs, thus hold fewer inventories than the traditional stores in the market. With lower prices, it can attract new customers to maximize its market share. The adoption of a strong base of selling products lead to achieve success in the filed of e-commerce.

Furthermore, its major promotion activity is to make use of mass media which are print and broadcast like newspaper, TV, and radio. This will enable them to make initial contact with customers. Through advertising, Amazon increases its brand awareness. A recent study by Interbrand ranked as the 57th most valuable brand in the world. A separate study by Opinion Research Corp. indicated that 60% of US adults were aware of the Amazon brand name, the highest awareness for any eCommerce brand name.

In conclusion, the strong organizational as well as goal oriented strategies and team work along its excellent customer oriented policies are the major causes which lead to gain tremendous economic profits and recognition among the other competitors in the field of e-commerce.

1 comment:

  1. 1. Image positioning is slightly out from the text.

    2. I would prefer if you can write the post using your own word rather than copy and paste the whole article from the source. You can read, understand and then write in your own words or opinion on the story/article selected. Copy and paste directly from the source is consider plagiarism.

    3. If you want to cite some of the quotation from the source, kindly acknowledge the source of the article (e.g. the link of the article or website)
